
招標編號      : HTAI_Meter_2024

招標公司      : 航通超智科技有限公司 (下稱「航通」)

項目內容      : 現招標承投為航通設計的的士智能咪錶進行生產﹐的士智能咪錶硬件設計及咪錶應用程式將會由航通提供﹐供應商就是次招標提


標書查詢      : 香港九龍尖沙咀廣東道33號中港城6座906室


                          電話號碼 : (852) 2627-3377 

                          傳真號碼 : (852) 2363-7973

截止日期      : 二零二四年四月十九日(星期五)上午十一時(香港時間)。逾期遞交的投標書概不受理。

遞交投標書   : 競投人必須把投標書以郵寄至香港九龍尖沙咀廣東道33號中港城6座906室 及 以電郵方式發送一份至info@ht-ai.hk

備註            : 若於遞交投標書截止日期上午九時至十一時(香港時間)期 間正懸掛八號或以上熱帶氣旋警告信號,或黑色暴雨警告 或中華 


                     (香港時間)期間改發八號以下熱帶氣旋警告信 號,或黑色暴雨警告信號或極端情況停止生效後的首個工 作天(工天指曆年

                     中的一日,但不包括星期六及《公眾 假期條例》(第 1 49 章)所指的公眾假期)上午十一時(香港時間)。

Tender Reference :

Contract No.: HTAI03/2022

Subject :

Tender of Vehicle Smart On-Board Unit

Description :

The scope of the main services includes provide Smart On-Board Unit, which will be installed on 1,800 taxis in Hong Kong to collect data on their driving habits. Equipment package include Smart On-Board Unit, hard disk and SIM Card.

Estimated Quantity :

1800 Sets

Tender document :


Please contact us with business registration certificate to request a set of tender documents:



Miss LAI WUN LAN, Lesley

Tel: (852) 2627 3377

Email: info@ht-ai.hk


Closing Date/Time :

Tender submissions in response to the invitation must be in compliance with the requirements set out in the tender documents and be submitted and deposited into the Authority's Tender Box as per the instructions set out in the Tender document, no later than 12:00 noon on 4 May 2022 (Wednesday )(Hong Kong time).


Submission of Tenders :

A Tenderer must submit its completed tender together with all information and documents required under the Tender Documents through Method 1 - Paper-based Tendering OR Method 2 - Email Tendering.


(i) Method 1 - Paper-based Tendering


A Tenderer shall:

                          Submit its tender in a sealed envelope addressed to the person

                          specified in the “Lodging of Tender” section of the Tender Form, and clearly

                          marked “Tender for Vehicle Smart On-Board Unit”

                          Late tenders will not be considered.



(ii) Method 2 – Email Tendering


A Tenderer shall submit, before the Tender Closing Time, softcopies of its tender through email to: info@ht-ai.hk


In case of a rainstorm black warning or typhoon signal No. 8 or above is hoisted or in force at any time (Hong Kong Time) on the Tender Closing Date, the Tender Closing Time will be extended to 10:00 a.m. (Hong Kong Time) on the next working day (excluding Saturday).  



a. Open tendering is adopted. 

b.  The detailed requirements for this tender are stipulated in the tender documents.

c. All costs and expenses incurred for or in connection with any response to this invitation, including the preparation and/ or submission of the tender, shall be entirely the responsibility of the applicants without recourse to HT Advanced Intelligent Technology Limited(HTAI). HTAI is not bound to accept the highest tender or any tender and reserves the right to negotiate with any Tenderer.


Date: 20 April 2022



一般查詢: 2627 3388  

售後: 2627 3380 或 2627 3318

傳真: 2363 7973


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